Here's a small sample of historic and contemporary photos of the Arch.

community history day 3 february 2019

A breakfast brunch, with live music, vintage cars and Glenorchy history. Community members were generous in sharing their stories of the Arch, along with photos and other memorabilia.

Photos by Simon Cuthbert.



As part of our callout for Arch stories, Peter Lawrence contacted us to let us know his father designed the Arch, while working as chief draftsman for the Electrolytic Zinc Company (EZ). EZ also manufactured the steel and galvanised components of the Arch. Peter was also kind enough to share these photos, taken by his father, of the Arch on the day of the royal visit.


Liverpool 1.jpg


John Goldmsith also contacted us with this photo of the Arch in situ on lower Liverpool Street in Hobart. It just so happens that he owns an identical 1951 Ford Plymouth, and brought it along to the community history day. It’s the same colour as the one shown in the historic photo and could well be the same car!


This is the only existing film of the Arch at its original location in Hobart. It shows the Queen travelling under the Arch on 22 February 1954.

Source: Libraries Tasmania. They have an excellent online archive of films of Tasmania in the post-war period.


To enable the arch structure and footings to be inspected, it was dismantled for the first time in 60 years on 19 August 2021. Cranes Combined did a fantastic job, with skill and care. The arch had to be dismantled one leg at a time, with each lifted over the top of the reception and restaurant building, using 3 cranes. It was amazing to see - more photos here.